Best Tank, Fighter, And Assassin Hero 2021 (Updated)

The second half of the 20th century was a good time to be a gamer. Not only did we enjoy our first generation of home consoles (Sega, Nintendo, and Atari), but for the first time ever, we had a true third party to support our hobby. Many people think of the 1990s as a golden age of gaming, but there were some truly great games released during the ’90s.

With the second half of the year quickly approaching, we decided to take a look at the best tank, fighter, and assassin hero currently in-game. We’ve decided to split our list up into three categories: Best tank, Best fighter, and Best assassin. Best tank – Crewman Amelie: Amelie is easily the most reliable tank in the game, and her passive ability ‘Unbreakable’ grants her a consistent benefit of healing each time she takes damage. This makes her an invaluable addition to any team, and her stats are comparable to that of a healer as well. Best fighter – Vega: Vega is considered one of the best characters in the game, and with good reason. He possesses a wide array

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Check out this tutorial to learn about the meta heroes in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang’s Tank, Fighter, and Assassin categories. Following the release of the new patch, this is the most recent guide for 2021. The guide includes both old characters that have gotten significant boosts as a result of the most recent patch and fresh new heroes who are just too powerful in the current season. You will be able to boost your rank all the way to the top after reading this guide, but first you must master all of these heroes. Take a look at these!

In MLBB, the best heroes at tanking, fighting, and assassination (2021)

Tank Hero of the Year 2021

Tank is a Mobile Legends Class that must be featured in every squad since the heroes in this Class play an important role in protecting friends and providing CCs. These heroes have the greatest percentage of HP and can take a lot of punishment. They’re essential in ganks and team battles. There is a widespread notion that Tanks do not do a lot of damage, however this is completely untrue. A level 15 Tank can easily kill any opponent in the roster, but keep in mind that in order to level up rapidly, you’ll need to farm swiftly. These are the Tanks that stand out this month among the numerous that have been introduced in the game. So, who are the top Tanks in the META right now? Let’s get started without further ado!


In the current meta, these two Tanks are tied for first place. Let’s take a look at each one separately.



In 2021, I believe this hero will be the greatest Tank Hero. He’s very simple to work with and has a lot of promise. Tigreal is a hero with a slew of disruptive CCs, including Slow and Stun, that will irritate his foes. His Ultimate, which enables him to drag close opponents and stun them for 1.5 seconds, is another advantage he has. In team battles, Tigreal will make life tough for the other side by jeopardizing all of their plans.




This is not a hero to be underestimated. In a couple of minutes, he may lead a team to victory. Possibly the most overpowered tank in the current meta. Uranus’ popularity has risen during the season as a result of his outstanding performances. In Ranked Matches, more players are interested in playing Uranus. Uranus is a tank with a high regeneration rate and the ability to deliver a lot of damage. He has the potential to be a nightmare for Marksman heroes with limited mobility.

2021’s Best Fighter Hero

The Fighter position is one of those roles/classes that is often dismissed, but don’t be fooled; the presence of a fighter in a team is critical. They typically have great damage and defense while also providing a crowd control function that makes opponents’ lives tough. These are the greatest fighter heroes in Mobile Legends for the current Meta of 2021, out of the many available.


In 2021, the top two meta fighter heroes in MLBB. Let’s have a look at some of them.



X-Borg has always been on the list of the top fighting heroes in Mobile Legends for each month. It’s because X-Borg has an impressive collection of abilities for a fighting hero. X-advantages Borg’s include enormous damage output, a lengthy striking range, and the ability to offer obnoxious crowd control. X-Borg is tied for top place on this list of the greatest fighter heroes in Mobile Legends for 2021, despite being nerfed multiple times.




Chou is well-known for being a superb hero in Mobile Legends. Chou is a warrior hero capable of taking on the roles of his teammates. In his squad, he may play as a tank or even an assassin. This hero is favored by SK, perhaps the greatest player in the world.


2021’s Best Assassin Hero

Assassins are known for quickly killing an enemy’s key members. They may quickly reach the back lane and kill the opposing team’s primary Damage Dealer, thereby turning the fight around. The majority of assassins, however, are regarded as glass warriors, thus players must know when to engage.


The calendar’s current OP assassins. Take a look at this!




Ling has a special mechanism that allows him to leap over any wall, enabling him to get to locations quicker than anybody else. His ultimate ability, “Tempest of Blades,” enables him to remain indestructible for a brief period before inflicting tremendous damage. Raptor Machete, Warrior Boots, Demon Hunter Sword, Endless Battle, Thunder Belt, Berserker’s Fury are some of the builds available.



Since her debut, Benedetta has been a huge hit in every meta. Her exceptional game mobility makes her a popular unit. Her sprinting abilities may catch most players off surprise. One of the reasons she is being played in professional leagues is because of this. Warrior Boots, Bloodlust Axe, Oracle, Bruteforce Breastplate, Hunter Strike, and Malefic Roar are some of the construction options available.


This brings me to the end of the article. Make careful to acquire plenty of experience with these heroes before entering Ranked battles. Leave a comment if you have any questions for me that you’d want addressed. I’ll be returning soon with more unique mobile gaming tutorials. Meanwhile, have fun and be safe. Have a nice day, and go here to see some of my previous MLBB articles.

There are a ton of games currently in the market that strive to be the best at one specific thing. While not all of them are perfect, there are some that are truly incredible. After analyzing the games that seem to have it all, we have compiled a list of the top 3 games.. Read more about best hero for solo ranked mobile legends 2021 and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the best tank player in mobile Legends 2021?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not able to answer this question.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Who is the strongest hero in ML 2021?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
The strongest hero in ML 2021 is the one who has the most kills.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which hero is best in mobile Legends 2021?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
I am not sure what you are asking.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best tank player in mobile Legends 2021?

I am not able to answer this question.

Who is the strongest hero in ML 2021?

The strongest hero in ML 2021 is the one who has the most kills.

Which hero is best in mobile Legends 2021?

I am not sure what you are asking.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • who is the best tank in mobile legends 2021
  • best fighter in mobile legends 2021
  • meta heroes ml 2021
  • best hero in mobile legends 2021
  • best fighter mobile legends 2020
Greg Baskerville
Greg Baskerville
Gaming Blogger & Musician. Playing games since the Amiga days in the 1980's, and a handy guitarist.

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