Profane shares updates on developing gameplay features, test scheduling, and textures

Profane Software has been hard at work on its spiritual successor to the notoriously popular Strike Tactics game, Strike Tactics 2: Operation StarBlood . This time around, the developers have been busy working on their next major update, which is currently on the verge of release; the new version includes a whole host of new gameplay features, as well as new textures and other graphical improvements. The new version is set to launch in a few days, and you can stay updated on the upcoming changes to the game via the developers’ Twitter account , or check back here at Engadget for additional updates.

The latest blog update from Profane Studios , the team behind the critically acclaimed PC title Miner Wars 2081 , brings some interesting news about the development of the game’s upcoming sequel. While it’s been more than a year since Miner Wars 2081 was released, the development of the next title will begin soon. The team is currently pouring everything they have into the development of the game, and they will continue to do so until it’s completed.

In this month’s update, we’ve been working to improve the Tribes: Ascend gameplay experience. This update increases the server tickrate and fixes some of the issues that were affecting the game. We’ve applied our new texture and lighting updates to the game, which we will be testing, and working with our level designers to ensure the game looks as good as possible.. Read more about what mmo are you playing 2021 and let us know what you think.

Insane Studios has put together another pair theme from Twitter , with a variety of update details for the evolving PvP MMO.

In the first stream, we get most of the updates related to another roadmap update. The developers found a way to fix the bug in player movement, but some features had to be delayed or redefined. The thread goes on to talk about the unexpected completion of the dynamic spawn system, as well as the completion of seas, rivers, improved camera controls, the world region system, and basic chat functionality. Other features such as character visualization, basic attacks, the weapon system, and hitbox mechanics are slightly closer to completion, while things like climbing, swimming, and fall damage have been delayed until July.

According to the roadmap, character customization testing should begin in June, some basic gameplay elements in July, and more in-depth combat testing of things like spells and active skills in August.

The latest edition includes another video preview and additional context for the texture update, where fans can get a look at the texture sphere, which includes elements like sand, stone, and brick, as well as explanations of how the developers are trying to draw the line between a cartoonish style and realism.

Good morning, parishioners!

It’s time for our monthly roadmap update.
Before we begin, we want to share two big news items with you:

– Profane MMORPG (@ProfaneMMO) 11 Jun 2021

Hello, my friends!

It’s the time of the week to see what we’ve been working on

– Profane MMORPG (@ProfaneMMO) 18 June 2021

ViewIn the past, the process of developing new features for a game has been long and tedious, and often took several months to implement into the game. Lately, with the help of a number of new tools and technologies, the development process has been greatly streamlined, allowing for more features to be implemented, and complete games to be released earlier than ever. In recent news, Profane has begun development of a new feature to the game called “Randomness Testing”, which randomly replaces pieces of code in the game, and turns the game into a completely new experience. This feature is expected to be completed by the end of the year, and will add a new level of difficulty to the game.. Read more about ftp mmo 2021 and let us know what you think.

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Greg Baskerville
Greg Baskerville
Gaming Blogger & Musician. Playing games since the Amiga days in the 1980's, and a handy guitarist.

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